and Available Grants

The following are among a number of incentives available to companies in Robeson County, inspiring economic growth and providing a road to success.
Robeson County Industrial Development Incentive Grant:
Available to both new and existing industry for locating or expanding in Robeson County. There are three grant levels, and eligibility is based upon capital investment, new job creation and wages. There are also utility incentive grants and land grants available.
Article 3J Credit:
A new tax credit program created by the NC General Assembly (House Bill 2170) to encourage business growth in North Carolina. Businesses that qualify for the 3J Credit are eligible for free job training programs through Robeson Community College.
Research and Development Tax Credit:
This credit has been amended to provide an alternative calculation that brings North Carolina’s R&D credit in closer conformity to the federal credit.
Capital Investment Credit (Machinery & Equipment):
Provides 7% credit on total investment and business property.
HUBZone Eligibility:
Robeson County is designated as a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Zone. Local companies that qualify for the HUB program can receive competitive advantages in winning federal contracts.
One North Carolina Fund:
A discretionary incentives tool to enable job creation or retention of competitive projects. Awards are based on jobs created, economic impact, importance to the state, quality of the industry, and environmental impact.
Local governments are required to match One NC awards with cash, fee waivers, in-kind services, donations of land and/or buildings, or provisions of infrastructure.
Company must agree to meet or exceed 100% of the average county wage.
Robeson County Industrial Development Incentive Grant:
Through this Program, the Robeson County Economic Development Commission works to promote economic growth by offering the following services to new and existing industries:
State and county incentive financing
Assistance with employment, transportation, training and utility issues
Liaison with agencies on behalf of companies to address specific needs
Communication of issues affecting the manufacturing community
Public relations efforts
The Program also sponsors the following annual events in honor of the companies that have invested in our communities and contributed to the economic well being of Robeson County:
Industrial Appreciation Week Celebration (late August)
Industrial Appreciation Golf Tournament (late August)
Secretary’s Appreciation Luncheon (late August)
Industrial Appreciation Dinner (December)
About Golden LEAF Foundation / Economic Catalyst Grants:
The Golden LEAF Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to help transform North Carolina’s economy. The foundation receives one-half of North Carolina’s funds from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with cigarette manufacturers and places special emphasis on assisting tobacco-dependent, economically distressed and/or rural communities across the state.
The Golden LEAF Foundation works in partnership with governmental entities, educational institutions, economic development organizations and nonprofits to achieve its mission. To learn more about applying for a grant, visit or call (888) 684-8404.
Under Golden LEAF’s Economic Catalyst grant opportunities, the foundation will consider applications to assist eligible state, regional and local economic development entities with grants to support permissible activities that lead to job creation in tobacco-dependent or economically distressed areas.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Golden LEAF staff to discuss the potential projects and conditions that may be applicable prior to submitting an application. Click here for more information on Economic Catalyst grants.
NC Rural Economic Development Center:
The NC Rural Economic Development Center offers $5.5 million in grants to create jobs, provide clean water and assist with economic development in rural counties. The 36 grants will create 660 jobs and assist projects benefiting more than 32 counties.
Economic infrastructure grants enable new business locations or expansions through water and sewer improvements, broadband expansion, natural gas line extensions, construction of access roads and other infrastructure improvements. Building reuse grants prepare vacant buildings for use by job-generating businesses and support the expansion and renovation of certain types of occupied buildings if that work leads to new, permanent jobs. The Rural Hope initiative spurs job creation in the health care sector while improving the availability and quality of health care services in rural communities.